
Home Insurance

Protect your home and personal property with Jason Herman Insurance. You have worked hard for what you have, that is why we offer an enhanced homeowners insurance policy for the expected. When you need it most, we will be here for you.

Caring for your home and loved ones is crucial. That’s why we offer homeowners insurance you can depend on. From dwelling coverage to personal property protection, we provide homeowners insurance policies to suit your needs and budget. Homeowners' policies cover:

  • Dwelling – Coverage that protects the structure of the home (roof, walls, wall-to-wall carpeting, etc.)
  • Other structures – Coverage for sheds, detached garages and other structures not connected to the main dwelling itself
  • Personal property – Coverage for personal items (clothing, furniture, appliances, computers, etc.) on and off the premises
  • Loss of use – Coverage for when an insured must move out of the home while repairs are made as a result of damage caused by a covered loss

Home insurance can also be used as a means of financial protection. If someone sues after being injured on your property, proper home insurance limits can ensure you won’t be paying their legal fees from your pocket.

We also offer insurance policies for owners of second homes and vacation homes. This way, you, your family, and your guests are protected wherever you go.
You’ve worked hard to get where you are, so protect your condominium and personal property with condo insurance from Jason Herman Insurance. Your condo association likely has insurance coverage covering only the common areas and grounds of your condominium complex, if an accident or theft occurs inside your condo, you’ll need additional protection.
Flood insurance is often misunderstood. Flood is defined as a general or temporary condition of partial or complete inundation of two or more acres of normally dry land or of two or more properties from overflow of inland or tidal waters, unusual or rapid accumulation of runoff or surface waters from any source; mudflow; or collapse or subsidence of land along the shore of a lake or similar body of water as a result of erosion or undermining caused by waves or currents of water exceeding anticipated cyclical levels that result in a flood. Damage from flood is generally excluded from the homeowners insurance policy, but can be purchased whether you live in a Special Flood Hazard Area or not. For more details, speak to one of our experienced agents today!
If you rent an apartment, house, or even a dorm room, you need renters insurance to protect you and your personal property. Your landlord’s insurance policy doesn’t cover your belongings. We make sure you are protected with the right renters insurance.

A personal umbrella insurance policy offers an extra layer of liability protection for your wages, house, investments, cars and boats if you’re in a serious auto accident or there’s an accident on your property. It will give you added peace of mind.

It's important to have sufficient coverage to protect your current assets and future earnings if you’re involved in a serious accident or lawsuit. Otherwise, you could be liable for more than your current auto or homeowners coverage limits. A personal umbrella policy extends the bodily injury and personal damage liability limits of your home or auto policies. Umbrella policies focus primarily on liability claims which are costs you might have to pay out to someone else if you are found liable.

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